Since its foundation, Cartoflex strives to adapt its production to the greatest possible extent to the
principles of environmental protection. This is reflected in the use of materials from renewable sources.
The paper that represents 99% of our raw material is obtained directly from the recycling process, and
the glue is made from natural, water-based materials. Our goal is to consistently improve our
technology and quality and to provide the client with the best service without any concessions from our
ecological approach. In addition, one of our main goals is to educate consumers that there are
completely ecological substitutes on the market for conventional packings that have been used so far,
which are based on artificial materials (styrofoam and PVC).
Paper and cardboard recycling has multiple benefits for the environment. In addition to preservation of
forests, in terms of energy consumption, up to 60% is saved, and up to 15% less water is used than if we
obtained that product from natural material. A significant benefit is in the reduction of greenhouse gas
emissions as well as less pollution.
- Recycling one ton of paper saves 17 trees
- Recycling one ton of paper saves 32,000 liters of water
- Recycling one ton of paper saves 4,200 kW of electricity
- 16% of the money spent on the purchase of various products goes to the packaging, which in most
cases is thrown into the trash immediately after purchase.
- Recycling process requires 40 percent less energy than the production of paper from cellulose, while
the emission of pollutants in the air is about 75 percent less, compared to the production of paper from
primary fibers, that is, cellulose.